MULTIFEED Vibratory Bowl Feeders are the most sophisticated reliable and robust units available in the market place today.
We will sort your parts carefully, at the same time guaranteeing a consistent and accurate flow of components into your subsequent assembly and machining processes. We want to set a new standard in quality and service support. We staff our facility with family-oriented, high-character, high-quality people that take a great deal of pride in what they do.
A company is only as good as its people, which is why we provide a work environment where we empower employees to make decisions, meet their potential, and thrive in an atmosphere of excellence. This is the only way to realise our high quality and service in MULTIFEED.
Our mission is to work with our customer, understanding & solving your parts handling requirements in combination with our technical knowledge and skills on current trends, reliability service and find a cost-effective solution that works best for the client to make us the perfect choice to be a partner.